Privacy Policy



At eLiift, we are dedicated to protect your personal information and informing you upfront about how we use the information. This privacy policy applies to all data gathered, and all transactions supported through the eLiift application and services. Please review this privacy policy periodically as we may revise it as and when required without notice. Each time you use the eLiift platform or provide us with information, it is assumed by default that you are accepting the practices and conditions described in this privacy policy.

Data Collected From You:

In order to operate eLiift and to provide you with the information about products or services that may be of interest to you, we may collect “personal information” (i.e. information that could be used to contact you directly such as full name, postal address, phone number, email address, bank account details or credit/debit card information, vehicle information, identify proofs, your picture, etc.) or “demographic information” (i.e. information that you submit or that we collect, that is not personal information; the latter may include (but is not limited to zip code, hometown, gender, username, age/birth date)browsing history information, searching history information, and registration history information. We will also collect the contact information of your friends, if you choose to connect your contacts and address book information with eLiift; and your login credentials to your social network accounts, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, if you choose to connect those accounts with your eLiift account; you represent and warrant that you have the authority to provide us with any such contact information. Demographic information is divided into two categories:

“Non-public information”, which consists of ride transaction information and one-on-one communications between you and other users of the ELiift platform;

How We Use Personal Information:

We use your email address and your other personal information to help us efficiently operate eLiift platform, to contact and notify you regarding your transactions and other activities on the eLiift platform (including, but not limited to, confirmation emails, receipts, or important news that could affect your relationship with eLiift), to forward you trip information from other users, to forward trip information from you to other users, and to contact you and others to suggest potential matches. We use your contact information to find and connect with your friends (when instructed by you). These types of communications are known as “Operational Communications.” In some cases, operational communications may also contain commercial messages, such as banner ads and special offers.

To operate the eLiift platform, including processing your transactions and supporting your activities on the eLiift platform, we may share your personal information with our agents, representatives, contractors and service providers so they can provide us with support services such as email origination, receipt or support services, customer relationship management services and order fulfilment. We require these entities not to use your information for any other purpose.

By purchasing or registering or making reservations for products or services offered or sponsored by third parties on the ELiift platform or electing to receive communications (such as emails or material by mail) or electing to participate in contests, sweepstakes or other programs (such as discount or rewards programs), offered or sponsored by third parties on the ELiift platform, you consent to us providing your personal information to those third parties. Those third parties may use your personal information in accordance with their own privacy policies. You will need to contact those third parties to instruct them directly regarding your preferences concerning the use of your personal information by them. Additionally, you agree that we may use and disclose all such information so submitted to such third parties in the same manner in which we are entitled to use and disclose any other information you submit to us. Any third party with whom we are allowed to share your personal information is authorized to use your personal information in accordance with our contractual agreements with such third parties and in accordance with their own privacy policies, over which we have no control and you agree that we are not responsible or liable for any of their actions or omissions. Those who contact you will need to be instructed by you directly regarding references for the use of your personal information by them.

Your information is shown and shared with other ELiift users, so that you are connected and share the service. Every ELiift user and you, confirm explicitly that you will use the information given by ELiift platform (other matching user profiles etc.) only for using the services offered through ELiift platform. You will not be using this information for any other purpose/share with others.

How We Use Demographic Data:

We may review all demographic data. We may use public information to enable other users to search your profile, to determine whether your trip details fit other users’ requirements and to communicate with you. We may use demographic information to tailor the ELiift platform and communications to your interests. We may also share demographic information with advertisers on an anonymous and aggregated basis (i.e. without revealing your identity). One of the reasons we may do this is to increase the likelihood that our advertisers' goods and services will appeal to you as a user of the ELiift platform. Our sharing of demographic information with advertisers is anonymous (i.e. we do not tell advertisers which particular ELiift users are members of which demographic groups) subject to the rest of this privacy policy. When you respond to an advertisement, however, we ask you to remember that if that ad that is targeted to a demographic group and you decide to give the advertiser your personal information, then the advertiser may be able to identify you as being a member of that demographic group.

How to Edit Your Information:

ELiift provides you with the ability to access and edit your personal information. To update your personal info, click Settings in the ELiift menu to start with. There you can view, update and correct your account information.

Our databases automatically update any personal information you edit in your profile; or we edit on your request. Information transmitted through boards, chats, and polls or through any other means remain in our databases and become the property of ELiift upon submission. Keep this in mind if you decide to communicate personal information through any of these applications.

Information Retention:

To preserve the integrity of our databases, standard procedure calls for us to retain information submitted by members for an indefinite length of time. ELiift understands your submissions as consent to store all your information in one place for this indefinite length of time as we prefer. We will also respond to written member requests to nullify account information. Also, by using the ELiift platform, you do hereby represent and warrant that you understand and agree that all information submitted by you through the ELiift platform or otherwise to ELiift becomes the property of ELiift and may be used in the sole discretion of ELiift in accordance with this privacy policy and the terms of use. ELiift stores the data in Zambia.

Choice to Opt Out:

ELiift gives users the option to remove their information from our databases, to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our services. Users can opt out by submitting the written request to ELiift administration.

Cases in Which We Share Personal Information:

Your personal information may be passed on to a third party in the event of a transfer of ownership or assets or bankruptcy. We may also disclose personal information when we determine that such disclosure is necessary to comply with applicable law, to cooperate with law enforcement agencies or to protect the interests or safety of ELiift or other users of ELiift services. We also may disclose your personal information to our subsidiary, parent companies, affiliated legal entities and businesses with whom we are under common corporate control. Whenever personal information is disclosed under this paragraph, we may also disclose your demographic information along with it, on a non-anonymous basis. All our parent, subsidiary and affiliated legal entities and businesses that receive your personal information or non-anonymous demographic information from us will comply with the terms of this privacy policy with respect to their use and disclosure of such information.

Disclosure of Information for Legal purposes:

ELiift reserves the right to disclose the information for Legal, Police and Government authorities as per the requests.


Your ELiift profile is password-protected so that only you and authorized ELiift employees have access to your account information. If you have registered for ELiift using Facebook or other social network accounts , then your login and password shall be the same as your respective social networks’ login and password. In order to maintain this protection, do not give your password to anyone. ELiift staff will never proactively reach out to you and ask for any personal account information, including your password. If you share a computer, you should sign out of your ELiift account and close the browser window before someone else logs on. This will help protect your information entered on public terminals from disclosure to third parties.

ELiift makes every effort to ensure that your information is secure on its system. ELiift has staff dedicated to maintaining privacy policy as set forth herein and other privacy initiatives, periodically reviewing web security and making sure that every ELiift employee is aware of our security practices. ELiift cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. ELiift expressly disclaims any liability that may arise should any other individual obtain the information you submit on the ELiift platform.

ELiift has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Your information may be transferred to and maintained on computer networks which may be located outside of the state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction in which you reside, and the country or jurisdiction in which these computer networks are located may not have privacy laws as protective as the laws in your country or jurisdiction.

The ELiift platform may contain links to other web sites. We are of course not responsible for the privacy practices of other web sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave the ELiift platform to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy policy applies solely to information collected by the ELiift platform.

Updating of our Privacy Policy For Previously Gathered Information:

The privacy policy will be updated periodically as per needs. We also encourage you to review this privacy policy periodically. By using the ELiift platform, you do hereby represent and warrant that you have read, understand and agree to all terms of agreement. Each time you use the ELiift Platform, you agree to all terms set forth in this agreement and any other policies published by ELiift on the ELiift platform. Please note that we will continue to have the right to change our privacy policy and practices, and how we use your personally identifiable information.

For Grievance:

For any query related to data privacy, you can contact us, via email at: